Social Skills 101
I. Introduction – What makes an interesting and dynamic and polite person?
II. The Introduction
A. My name is…..
B. It’s nice to meet you (NAME)
1. Show enthusiasm!
2. Look in their eyes when you say their name
C. Response- “it’s nice to meet you too (NAME)!
1. Show enthusiasm!
2. Look in their eyes when you respond.
III. The Handshake
A. Nice firm handshake
B. No squeezing – NOT NICE
C. NO wimpy hands either!
IV. Listening Skills
A. Ask questions of others and show interest!
B. Make sure if you’re talking – that you share the conversation like cutting a pie!
V. Be Sure that Everyone in the Group has someone to talk to
A. Don’t leave anyone out!
B. Be kind to all people- remember: “Everyone is Different”
C. Be a good friend to others and you will have good friends!