Thursday, February 05, 2009

Get Under the Current to find your Miracle

Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Can you sense that there is an electrical current running through our brains? I sense it on the news, I sense it at the stores and wherever people gather, their brains are racing, full of anxiety and strife.

It makes sense. Our news people are feeding us current statistics over and over and over, and on top of the lay offs are the presidential mistakes of selecting “leaders” who have chosen to not BE leaders and do unethical things with their money.. by not paying taxes. Just hearing that story of how they think they’re privileged and can get away with something that the rest of us would be investigated for is enough to anger anyone with common sense. Even President Obama was angered and felt taken advantage of by this scenario. Blah blah blah blah.... ENOUGH!

So how can we live in a place of harmony and where everything is fine and flowing as it should and how can we get that money flowing back in the economy again?

We need to be refueled by something greater than the people on the news, and by someone greater than ourselves. We need to all stop and take some time every morning, to plug into the universal divine one who is able to see what we can not, is able to create miracles when we see no way, and is able to mastermind events without our knowledge. From the beginning of time, people have used their prayer, thought and belief to determine great outcomes and the great leaders of our world have called upon the people to have faith.

How can we develop that faith for our business though when the well is dry? How can we believe things can get better when everyone everywhere is talking like we’re going down the tubes and people are holding on so tight to their money that it’s making their fingers bleed?

By letting go! If you just put your computer down, and go sit on your couch and get quiet and tap into your spiritual mind for a few minutes, you’ll see what I mean. Ask to hear something! Ask for answers! Believe that God will provide you with a source of strength greater than your own!

When you sit and get quiet and just breathe and then let God speak to you. I’ve done this and what comes is that ALL that is important, and I mean ALL that is important… is that you remain in LOVE. That means, love your family, love your friends, love your job and love what you’re doing. You’ll soon find that the bills don’t matter as much, that the cars and the fancy clothes aren’t the priority, and even without them, or with them, you’re still the same person.

I believe that we can and should all take some time to connect with that amazing universal force that I know as God and to ask Him for wisdom and guidance.. for our family, for our kids and marriages, and for our businesses.

Our country needs a miracle right now. And we’ve all witnessed miracles. As one that knew many people who should have been in the World Trade Center on 9/11/01 and just HAPPENENED to be late or not go that day.. was simply a miracle! All of us have witnessed the many miracle pictures that swarm the internet like the car that jumped the curb and ended up on the other side of the median. The two pictures told the story. The car was resting peacefully on the other side of the median so the driver and passengers could get out. The other picture told the real story and was taken from a helicopter that showed the several thousand feet drop that the car could have taken had it rested 1 more foot away on the cliff than it did.

Miracles surround us every day. And the more faith we build as a society, the closer we can get to the miracles we need.

I’m spending some quiet time today and I hope that you will consider doing the same. I believe that our miracles.. are on their way!